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الاثنين، 4 يونيو 2012

حزب استقلال ازربايجان الجنوبية يطالب بتدخل دولي لايقاف الجريمة التي يرتكبها الاحتلال الايراني بحق بحيرة ارومية

Lake Urmu is Dying  !
A brief look at "Iran",
A scenario of crime against humanity,
At the end of the 19th century, two world Turkish empires, Ottomans and Qajars, were doomed to be destroyed by emerging powers like Russia, France and the ever dominating Great Britain. The ever weakening and aging empire of Qajar was under attack and invasion by Russia, and consisting threat and invasion by colonial powers. Eventually all of the Turkish lands to be made to new artificial and made up countries with no actual definition of a "nation state", like what is known as Iran or Iraq and so called Russian Federation. The great Qajar empire was reduced to present boundaries of "Iran". All what was called "protected countries of Qajar" were made to all or parts of present Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkmenistan, Georgia, Armenia, Republic of Azerbaijan, and Iraq. By tradition, Qajar empire was consisting of protected states, or countries, like Azerbaijan, Khorasan, Irak, Kabul, Punjab, Kerman, Mekran, and Arabistan. The protected states were loosely integrated to what was known as Qajar Empire. Among the protected states, Azerbaijan had the special status, as it was the seat of the hair to the throne, and the most industrious and productive of all. Azerbaijan was called "food basket of the region" by many scholars and travelers of the time. As a result of the weakening of the Qajar empire, many parts of the great country were annexed by Russians, namely Northern Azerbaijan, and made to Russian provinces of Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan. Some parts of caucuses were just integrated to Russia, and some became Russian buffer zone towards south caucasus like ossetia, Chechnya, and Ingushetia. Other parts were taken away by Great Britain to became present Afghanistan, and Pakistan, and in the south some Arab states. In the case of Azerbaijan, by Qajars loosing power, Russians invaded two times, and this caused great famine and great destruction of land and great loss of lives, mounting to genocide.
After collapse of the Qajar Empire, Reza Shah Pahlavi was brought to power by direct interference of the Great Britain and aligning world powers. At this point of time, South Azerbaijan became de facto occupied and invaded by Iran. Reza Shah, who was immensely uneducated and ignorant of affairs of state, were later went under heavy influence of Nazi ideology, and almost was acting as a poppet of manufacturers of Arian and great Persian race and power. This nauseating situation went as far as declaring Persian as a the only official language to be used in every aspect of life and government, banning all non persian languages and specially Turkish language which was the dominant language through out the region at the time. All cultural, historical, and social aspects of Turkishness were banned, and put to systematic destruction. Historical land of now Southern Azerbaijan was to be Persianized, and depopulated from Turks. After Reza Shah, his son, Mohammad Reza Shah, now equipped with backing by United States, and blessings of England and Russia, had free hand in destruction of every vestiges of Turks from Azerbaijan, and other regions of "Iran". In doing so, the Iranian Persian racist government put down many uprisings in Azerbaijan, such as South Azerbaijan's autonomus government of 1945-1946, killing hundreds of thousand of the peaceful inhabitants, and forcing millions out of proper Azerbaijan. Ethnic cleansing and de-Turkization of Southern Azerbaijan systematically continued to the end of Pahlavi regime.
After 1979 so called Islamic revolution, the regime stayed on the same course, and the rulers became more obsessed with Persianizaition of so called Iran with the taste of Shia Islam. Many uprisings were put down by bloody occupations and oppressions were multiplied and every sign of basic personal and social freedom became under threat. The depopulation of South Azerbaijan vigorously continued by economic deprivation, and destruction of natural resources. The most important of all, systematic destruction was aimed at Lake Urmu, which is the center to livelihood of Turkish inhabitants of South Azerbaijan.
Lake Urmu is the geological and environmental pulse of South Azerbaijan, detrimentally important to wild life, like many species of birds and mammals, domestic livestocks, and agriculture alike. By wilfully ignoring the maintenance of the environment, and purposely building 55 dams on rivers feeding Lake Urmu, the so called Islamic Republic of Iran, has initiated destruction of millions of square meters of land, cites, villages and agricultureal areas. This is affecting over 15 million people's life, forcing them to migrate to other areas of "Iran", to be working and living as a second and third class citizens. The intentional drying of Lake Urmu, will simply create disasters of unproportionate scale in the region, creating sand and salt storms which will affect parts of Eastern Turkey, Republic of Azerbaijan, Iraq, and Armenia. By this, Iranian occupying racist government will acheave the goal of complete de-Turkization of South Azerbaijan, later to be populated by uniform Persian speaking Iranians. By this, Iran will succeed in destroying of any hope of South Azerbaijani Turks feeling any sentiments of separating from Iran, and joining their brothers in the north. By destroying Lake Urmu, South Azerbaijani Turks will be an endangered nation, or thing of a history. Iran has pushed the start button for complete annihilation of South Azerbaijani Turks, and consequently, threatening the Republic of Azerbaijan, and pressuring Turkey. What Iran is doing is an audacious act and crime against Turks, and humanity. This is a Genocide. This is a holocaust.
Iranian racist government, has a blind eye and deaf ears to over 35 million South Azerbaijani Turks, and even to some members of its own parliament, which are hand selected by the supreme leader in the issue of Lake Urmu. As scientific data is presented by independent agencies and even by Iranian government's institutions are ignored and put aside. Protesting people in the streets of South Azerbaijan, raising the concern over social and environmental disaster of Lake Urmu's drying, is met with arrests, torture, forced exiles, destruction of families and death. Iran has the highest rate of execution of dissidents in the world. Iranian racist government mockingly talks about taking water from Aras river or Caspian sea to rehabilitate Lake Urmu, but never mentioning 55 dams which are built for some pretend industrial or agricultural use, depriving Lake Urmu, and drying it day by day.
This is the very act of terror which is being committed towards South Azerbaijani Turks by Iranian terrorist regime. What Iran is doing to Lake Urmu, and South Azerbaijan is equal to a nuclear bomb being exploded right in Tabriz, the capital city of South Azerbaijan, but this heinous act is being done slowly and gradually, destroying the ecology, the ecosystem, life and livelihood of South Azerbaijani Turks.
Apparently Lake Urmu is a protected by some international organization like UNESCO, and UNEP, and some other environmental organizations, and scientists are aware of the dire situation of Lake Urmu, but Iranian lobby in many countries are preventing our voice to be heard and a real and serious action to be taken. When Iran, craftily keeps the world media busy on the issue of so called negotiations on nuclear issue, and an immanent attack on Iran, by systematic drying of Lake Urmu, silently waging war on South Azerbaijan and Turkish inhabitants of the region.
We, South Azerbaijani Turks, just like any other nation deserve to live in peace and harmony in our own land. We are a great nation with great history and people. We condemn and abhor the occupation of Iran, and declare:
1- We ask every governmental and non governmental organization in the world, to pay attention to this great disaster waiting to happen to Lake Urmu, to our land and our people.
2- We ask every and all environmental and green organization to join us in saving Lake Urmu, and echo our plight in the world.
3- We strongly condemn Iranian racist regime in this crime against humanity and environment.
4- We demand Iranian occupying forces to leave South Azerbaijan without condition.
5- We demand Iranian government to release all human right activists and environmental activists from prison immediately.
6- We ask Canadian government to reprimand Iranian government and issue a note of condemnation to Iran for the crimes against humanity and environment committed by Iran.
With Regards
South Azerbaijani Independence Party
www.gaip.biz www.istiqlal.tv gaip@gaip.org

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