بحث في هذا الموقع ابــو حـــــمــزه الأحـــــــــــواز​ي

الجمعة، 14 سبتمبر 2012

جبهة الشعوب غير الفارسية تدعم بقوة طرد السفارة الايرانية من اتاوا عاصمة كندا-انجليزي-عربي

بعثت جبهة الشعوب غير الفارسية و هي تتشكل من ممثلي عن الشعب التركي في
ازربايجان الجنوبية و الشعب العربي الاحوازي و الشعب التركماني و الشعب البلوشي برسالة الى وزير خارجية الدولة الكندية السيد اشادت بالموقف الكندي لطردها السفارة الايرانية من اتاوا العاصمة الكندية و اعتبرت ان هذه الخطوة الشجاعة تدعم الاستقرار و الامن و السلام في المنطقة و العام كما انها تدعم مطالب الشعوب غير الفارسية في ما تسمى بجغرافية ايران السياسية لوصولها الى حقوقها الانسانية و حقها في تقرير المصير. كما اكدت جبهة الشعوب غير الفارسية دعمها الكامل للقرارات الدولية الرامية الى وقف المشروع النووي الايراني الذي شكل و سيشكل عاملا لعدم استقرار و امن المنطقة و العالم .

Canada ! Thanks,
Honourable John Baird, Canadian Minister of Foreign Affairs,
We,  members of FNFSD -Front of Nations for self Determination (Iran) are pleased with the right decision and thoroughly fair response of Canadian  government to suspend diplomatic relations with terrorist and racist regime of Iran, that is announced and concluded  throughout your official statement on Friday September 7, 2012 .
Indeed, People of  Non-Persian Nations of Iran that include  South Azerbaijani Turks, South Turkmens, Ahwazi Arabs, Beluches,  Kurds and … are bearing unbearable physical, psychological  torture, horrible abuse of human rights norms, ethnic-cultural, social, economic, religious genocide, and execution of women, and children without trial by using ancient theocratic ways and tools by demonic regime of Iran for more than 30 years.
Iranian regime's military and materially support of Syrian President Basher Asad,    Iran's financial supports and sponsorship of the world terrorist  groups, Iran's refusal to comply with the UN's  resolutions on its nuclear program, Iran's  offensive and “blatant disregard for the Vienna convention” which guaranteed  the governmental protection for diplomatic personnel, Consequently, Iran's shameless and continual disregard towards  international laws and regulation, world democracy, and world peace that made Iran “the most significant threat to global peace and security” caused the need for its more or even absolute isolation of world community.
Right decision and just response  of Canadian Government in regard to closing its embassy in Tehran, Iran, undoubtedly, highlighted  this act as a great victory of  world human right movement.
We  the Front of Nation for Self Determination (Iran)  represents people of Non-Persian Nations as  unified front of their national, political organizations. It is noteworthy to mention that population of Non-Persian Nations of so called Iran  is considered more than 50 millions. FNFSD struggles for basic human rights, freedom, peace and democracy by achieving  political independence for all  “minorities” of Iran.  And we believe that  Canada's official condemnation of Iranian regime, certainly support the attainment of these strategic   goals for us and for more than 50 million Non-Persian “minorities” who are asking for the international support of world democratic countries for years.

Now, alongside with severing diplomatic ties with Iran, there is availability of a legal opportunity for the victims of  Iranian terrorist regime to plea for justice, and ask for  judicial punishment and condemnation of Iranian state authorities, related to all kinds of torture and oppression that these victims have encountered through Canadian justice system.
FNFSD 's congress of December 15. 2011 in London, that is embarked on solidarity with constant struggle of Non-Persian Nations for independence, peace and democracy, during discussions  regarding to appointed geopolitical and sociopolitical matters and problems, simultaneously distinguished the value of the  internal efforts of “minorities” of Iran against  racist and terrorist regime of Iran, and  strongly emphasized  the great impact of international community and NATO countries in connection to support the struggle of  Non-Persian Nations,  and have decided about the FNFSD 's further leading programs and plans of actions as below:
1. FNFSD will continue to deliver more political discussions regarding to the right of self-determination of nations against Iranian invasive policies as the key point to unify and organize  Non-Persian Nations  towards their national prosperity and to monitor concentrated work of unified and organized nations against Iranian regime through various political, human rights press releases, conferences, congresses, and social actions inside or outside of Iran.  FNFSD is ready to perform political dialogue and discussions with non -member parties and organizations to increase the progress  of unified national, political work of Iranian minorities against present chauvinist regime of Iran.
 2. FNFSD strongly condemn the implementation of the acts of terror by Iran, and also its reactionary, invasive, and  expansion policy against neighbouring countries. FNFSD aims and believes to enhance friendship, and peaceful coexistence among nations especially with  Arab Gulf countries, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Turkmenistan, and also Afghanistan and Pakistan, based on international laws and regulationsFNFSD, accepts and respects UN resolutions, Universal declaration of Human Rights and other international laws, and strongly condemn all reactionary and invasive policies of racist and chauvinist  regime of Iran for obtaining  nuclear bomb. FNFSD strongly believes that reactionary and terrorist regime of Iran must be stopped and refused of obtaining atomic bomb, and  is ready to corporate with international community towards complete deprivation of Iranian regime of nuclear bomb and assist to  cease its existence.  (FNFSD 's Information communication committee)
With regards  
 Spokesperson For FNFSD:   Mr. Saleh Ildirim   
Tel: 416  910 8049
International Relationship:  Mr. Abushiref Alahwazi
TE -0014166622892      alahwaz@hotmail.com

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